day to day

+5 keeping busy

Five days overdue! That’s as far as I went with Nicole. By 1pm with her I was having regular contractions. My SIL has Nicole for the morning and part of the afternoon, so in the name of optimism, or possibly faux optimism, I sent along her overnight bag. Hopefully it doesn’t have to come back… (she has Things she Needs for sleeping. Right now, it’s a tiny little blankie we bought two of for baby in case she stole one, her Heartbeat Bunny with baby’s heartbeat, and her water bottle. She will holler for any of these missing items at 3am.)

To keep busy today – and yesterday too, actually – I’m trying my hand at this faux-chenille-backed quilt/blanket tutorial over at Aesthetic Nest.


I’m using just cottons instead of flanellette for the faux chenille, I saw the same basic idea over at MADE the other day and she used just cottons. I’m not following the exact measurements or anything, just the idea. Hopefully it turns out super cute! I’m sure it would be cozier with only flannellette, but I was working with what I had on hand for matching colors.

I really hope I go into labour today! Tomorrow is November 11, Remembrance Day (for those not familiar, it’s like Veterans Day… we remember those who went to war for our country, fallen and veterans both) so Chris is off work regardless, and it would be nice to have him have a forced day off the day after! Besides, how awesome would it be to have a day off school/work the day after your birthday every single year? 🙂

2 thoughts on “+5 keeping busy

  1. Thanks so much for your comment letting me know about this post. And thanks for sharing the post with MADE! I was finally induced with my third baby (and third girl) at the end of August–3 days past my due date. I was especially surprised because my first two were early! This quilt is a great way to distract yourself–I cranked out some crib bedding the week before, which I didn't think I'd have time to do… Good luck to you!


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