
and today I cried

Today this little baby, this little girl…

…today she went on an outing in big-girl panties and pants, and she stayed dry the whole time.

and she was so full of confidence in her newfound big-girl-ness that she suddenly started playing peek-a-boo and starting up conversations with random strangers, whereas for the last few months she has been shy even with her (indirect) family

Today she did not need help with the potty, or with her seatbelt, or with much of anything under three feet, for that matter. (four with a stool)

And I have encouraged and treasured and pushed and encouraged again for this tiny thing to grow and flourish. And today I cried as it struck me how clearly my baby is not a baby.

Oh, Lord, I have been trying so hard to treasure every moment, but please please help me to stop being such a big brat when I don’t. Who cares if there are crumbs on the counter, tomorrow I will sit and play ponies.
Please help Chris and I to hold on to this time when we are everything to her, and help us to create the foundation of love and trust that will get us through the years when she’ll be pretty sure we’re quite the opposite.

3 thoughts on “and today I cried

  1. Your post made me weep. How wonderfully sweet to honour your baby…and to admit that we're not perfect always. That's ok. We are all human…You're doing great! {Love}& {Hugs}


  2. You are a sweetheart and such an amazing mom! Thanks for the reminder to treasure the small things in life.



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